The   Eldritch   Dragons
The Band
Fiddle, Vocals.
Fiddle, Vocals.
Eldridge started playing violin at the age of 7, after listening to the classical hour on public radio and saying to her mom, “what instrument is that? I want to play that!”. Switching to fiddle aged 15, after being immersed in Appalachian String Band musics. Intrigued by stories about ancient Celtic mythology, she researched the meaning of her name, and found that Eldridge means: Old Hills. Ancient folk beliefs that say the kingdom of the elves and faeries lies under the Old Hills of the English countryside. The name can also be translated as Wise Council or King’s Council, referring to the idea that Wise Women and King’s Councilors were often thought to have magical powers originating from the otherworldly source of the kingdom of the Fae under the hills. She plays all kinds of genres of music, and teaches her students to let the music in their minds out through their instruments. Forming a band had been brewing in her mind for a few years… Then in 2018 after meeting a Celtic Harpist living next door The Eldritch Dragons became a band. Read More…
Harp, Vocals.
Harp, Vocals.
Liz had zero chance of not ending up in music somehow. With a mother working as a professional musician, an uncle and cousins all in bands and owning a music store, and an aunt who also played flute… Well, you get the picture. But her journey to playing the harp didn’t begin until high school, when her mom asked her, “If you could play any instrument, what would it be?” It only took Liz about 5 minutes to turn over all of the instruments in an orchestra over in her mind. Suddenly, she landed on it – the harp! This confused her mother, as Liz had never even mentioned this before. Even so, on her very next birthday, Liz got a beautiful Celtic harp made from red cedar, and she never looked back. Really, though, it was the harp that chose her. Liz’s built her current harp herself with a master luthier at Sligo Harp Shop. After weeks of toiling, drilling and sanding, finally Cher was born. Oh, Cher is Liz’s harp – a play on words of the model called a Luchair, meaning joy or light in Gaelic. Read More…
Taiko, Bodhrán, Fiddle, Harmonica, Vocals.
Taiko, Bodhrán, Fiddle, Harmonica, Vocals.
As the child of an opera soprano/ballet dancer and classical violinist, Karen grew up surrounded by (very high-pitched) music, (which may explain her love of drums). She picked up the bodhrán in the early 90s when fledgling Celtic band ‘The Mollys’ needed a steady down beat. Later, she found taiko (Japanese ensemble drumming) and has spent most of her time since 2002 building Tucson’s local taiko group, Odaiko Sonora. Karen is a passionate advocate for arts-as crucial to education, our quality of life, and our potential as humans. She co-founded Kore Press, InConcert! Tucson, and now leads Odaiko Sonora in supporting and serving the communities of southern Arizona. She’s thrilled Eldridge found her in the fall of 2018 so she can play her beloved bodhrán, apply taiko in a new way… and, it turns out, sing, brush up her fiddle skills, try her hand at harmonica, penny whistle, and bass… and whatever else comes her way in the magical world of the Eldritch Dragons!
Bass, Vocals.
Bass, Vocals.
Cat has been rocking the bass since high school, where she started playing jazz and big band music. A former diplomat and Naval Officer, she has been moonlighting around the world playing rock, reggae, jazz, and now Celtic! Her 7 lbs 5 oz Fender Precision Lyte and 5’2″ frame packs a powerful punch as she delivers in-the-pocket driving lines in whatever genre comes her way. Her influences include: Jaco Pastorius, Ray Brown, Carol Kaye, John Paul Jones, Stanley Clarke, and Esperanza Spalding, to name a few. Her current musical projects include, along with the Eldritch Dragons, a local jazz quartet, a rock fusion band, and reggae. “Music is the only thing keeping the planet together” -Jaco.
Drums, Vocals.
Drums, Vocals.
Darin started playing drums in a garage band in high school after studying clarinet and saxophone, and has played with numerous groups in venues all over Tucson. He is also the musical director of Tucson’s premier vaudeville variety show, Cabaret Bohème, and leads their house band, Big D and the Love Muscles.
Buzz & Nathan
‘Et. Al.’ (Sound Mixing, Management, Webmasters, Roadies, Groupies…)
Buzz & Nathan
‘Et. Al.’ (Sound Mixing, Management, Webmasters, Roadies, Groupies…)
We are the musically untalented blah blahs of the band. As such we made ourselves management (those who cant do… manage). During gigs we’ll be carrying gear for the real musicians, or be around the sound board trying to look important. Outside of gigs if you spot us at your fine establishment perhaps we’ll discuss booking our next gig over a nice beverage…

Members Emeritus

Drums, Guitar, Vocals.
Drums, Guitar, Vocals.
Doyle is the the heartbeat of the band, keeping us on tempo and everything else. Most people see Doyle as just the most awesome drummer ever, but they are so much more. Just when you think they are happy laying down the beat, out comes the ’65 Gibson Les Paul Custom guitar. Watch out because you’re in for some sweet solos! Doyle is not a quiet drummer, they play with enough enthusiasm for five drummers. Think Animal from the Muppets and you begin to understand the enthusiasm. Doyle happens to have a bathroom dedicated to Kiss, and practically lives at The Rialto absorbing all the music.